We try to compose our lives with the most clarity possible, seeking to solve the riddles coming our way, clearing out the intricate complications, shifting our perspective when things seems too rigid, too stuck. When the composition is clear it can absorb both simplicity and complexity, as it can contain both beauty and discomfort. We try to align ourselves with the outside structures, until the point where we are deemed to create them ourselves in order too remain flexible, soft and open. Our limited processing of all available information, makes its necessary to translate our own psychological sphere into a landscape of rather uncanny yet inviting structures.

Juxtapositioning the 3 paintings next to each other hightens each of their own qualities, while exposing qualities across which was not before noticed.

The change of color signifies an interesting element in the perceptual difference color can make, in understanding the same geometrical landscape, this being any situation in life or a psychological moment as this can be rendered differently and therefore be perceived anew.